November 27, 2015

Instead of Shopping, We "Opt Outside"


RiverThe day after Thanksgiving is a big day for shopping, but I avoid it because I don't like being in crowds. For five years now, Virginia State Parks have been promoting their Green Friday Initiative "emphasizing time with the family enjoying nature instead of fighting the crowds." This year outdoor outfitter REI is sponsoring a similar effort, calling it #OptOutside.

Since our weather today was unseasonably warm and we have a nice state park nearby, we headed there for a short hike. I've posted photos of Shenandoah River State Park many times, but the river is always worth a picture or two, even with most of the trees bare of leaves. This is the South Fork of the Shenandoah.

We decided to walk the Cottonwood Trail which originates at the tent camping area. It turned out to have a long boardwalk so the mile-plus hike is quite level.

Sharing with Weekend Reflections
and Scenic Weekends and 

By the way, I thank the Orange linkup for spotlighting one of my Skyline Drive photos this week.


  1. I agree with you about shopping and crowds, much better to be outside. Looks a lovely place to walk. Great reflections. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I've never understood Black Friday. Why would anyone want to get trampled for a $10 DVD player? And it certainly goes against the whole idea of Thanksgiving. The Green Initiative is something I could get behind! Great of your city to promote better ideals.

    PS: Beautiful nature shots, too!

  3. Other than the grocer store, I have never shopped on black Friday. I went running with a friend and then in the afternoon hung out at the neighbors' bonfire.

  4. Green Friday, i like that much better than black Friday!

  5. Sounds good to me!
    Have a great week-end!

  6. Beautiful!

    Looks a lot like the state park where my wife and I took a long walk yesterday. :-)

  7. I feel the same as you Linda and would much rather go outside and enjoy nature than face the crowds in the shopping mall. Have a great weekend :)

  8. Trail hiking seems far more appealing. Terrific shots!

  9. Love the river shots--so pretty there. We stayed home and avoided the stores on Black Friday.


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