November 17, 2015

Front Royal Visitors Center

Sharing with NF Trees and Bushes


  1. Great fall colors - my favorite time of year!
    Thanks for linking up at

  2. Pretty trees and colors, great shot. Enjoy your day!

  3. A beautiful photo of the brightly colored autumn trees.
    my post

    Greetings from Germany

  4. Love the way those trees look. Soon all the leaves will be gone...

  5. lol, this day the colors of the trees matches those of the house :)

  6. Cute building and those leaves are absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Gorgeous Autumn ... You live in a perfect place for the seasons color. We loved the area when we traveled through and stayed a while ...not long enough...when we were full time RVers.

  8. Those are pretty colors in the leaves.


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