October 21, 2015

Advertising Along I-81

Sometimes I feel embarrassed for my home state of Virginia. A few years ago our commonwealth closed most of the rest areas along the interstates, ostensibly to save money. When this proved unpopular, they found sponsors for them! So now we are greeted by a green lizard as we approach a service area!

Just as I got used to the idea that tourists would see these and laugh at us, the state put up billboards inside the rest areas to allow businesses to advertise. Never mind that billboards were pretty much outlawed along interstate highways back in 1965 as part of the Highway Beautification Act, our state wants some extra dollars.

I chose this one to show because it shows an interesting activity.


  1. It is sort of funny especially since VA is not warm enough for lizards :). If I have to see an ad, I want to see one for glass blowing.

    Thank you for your condolences on my kitty.

  2. It's just another way to find funds I suppoose.

    Frankly My Dear

  3. As a long time roadtripper, I'd have to say that the signs are the lesser of two evils if the alternative meant closing the entire rest area. Still I totally understand what you mean. You live in a beautiful and historic state and it is a shame to muck it up!

  4. One way or another. The greed (or need) for money wins always. But you have now still your rest areas.

  5. The little green guy gets around!

  6. The lizard is kind of cute! It seems like all the state need more money. Especially to help pay for the highways. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

  7. My favorite is the state slogan Virginia is for lovers!

  8. This is the thing- infrastructure needs investment, and it should be done by taxes, but when you've got parties who think low taxes above all, you're going to have problems like this.

  9. I know what you mean. I remember the time when the rest areas were closed. No, it wasn't popular at all and I am so glad that they are open now.

  10. Well, at least they kept them open by having them sponsored. I'd rather they be open than closed.

  11. That is a cool sign at a rest area. The strangest one I seen was warning people to stay on the walk because rattlesnakes were spotted.


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