July 18, 2015

Grist Mill Gears

I have some photos of the exterior of this mill which I plan to post. Thought I'd get this interior shot up today for Sepia Saturday.


  1. Love these old buildings and machines - a real window into the past.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. A neat look at the gears! Great sepia shot, happy Sunday!

  3. Quite appropriate for a sepia treatment!

  4. I wouldn't want my finger caught in there. However the photo is fine.

  5. What an incredible abstract this is. I would love to see more pictures from the mill. I will be looking forward to them!

  6. Those old grist mills were amazing to look at.

  7. Great shot of the gears. This works well in sepia.

  8. That's a neat shot of the gears, it works well in Sepia tones. Can't wait to see more of the mill.


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