July 19, 2015

Famous Mill on Glade Creek

old millDoes this mill look familiar? It is no doubt the most-photographed mill in West Virginia, and it has also been painted, drawn, and even stitched in needlepoint. I've seen it on calendars and in books, even on the cover of a book about a family in Virginia. But it was never in Virginia, since it was constructed around 1890, well after West Virginia separated from Virginia in 1861.

I saw pictures of this many times before reading that it was in Babcock State Park. This puzzled me a bit because I had been to that park as a child but had no recollection of the mill. My mother had a special interest in old mills so how had we missed this one?

It turns out that this mill was not in the state park when I visited there as a child. It was constructed there in 1976, which was after we were there. Yes, it looks much older and it is, but it existed elsewhere and was moved here piece by piece. You can read about this on the Babcock State Park website.

The overshot water wheel actually came from a different mill. The Glade Creek Mill still functions. You can buy corn meal ground here in the gift shop across the creek.

Sharing with Scenic Weekends


  1. Yes, it does look familiar. I do love your images, it is a pretty mill. Great post. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. This is a really neat shot. I like old mills.

  3. That's a lovely shot. And quite one of the most picturesque mills I have ever seen.

  4. Beautiful place, very scenic.

  5. It does look familiar. I'm sure I've seen it in pics along the line.

  6. How interesting that it was built elsewhere and moved to this new location. So scenic.

  7. How beautiful! I can see why it's frequently photographed. Nice shots.

  8. No matter when or where it was built it's still a super awesome looking mill. Loved your photos of it.

  9. So picturesque! You got some great shots!

  10. Fascinating old mill! Reminds me of a tiny one we saw in the Smokies, which had one of those wooden sluice ways.

  11. Wow - it really is a beauty!

  12. It must have taken a great deal of patience to move that mill. It is a beautiful example of an old building.


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