May 19, 2015

The Trees at Milepost 8

tall trees
Along Skyline Drive

The drive through Shenandoah National Park is delightful even on a cloudy day. These straight trees are near Milepost 8 in the Northern Section of the park.

Sharing with NF Trees and Bushes


  1. What a pretty section of roadway!

  2. This is the type of sight that is always so peaceful. I like it. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Every time you show pictures of the park I enjoy remembering our time there.

  4. o, I love the color and light in this forest. Wonderful. :)
    re your question, yes, it is dandelions :)

  5. Wonderful shots of the trees!

  6. They look like fairly young trees. Very beautiful though

  7. What a pretty view! I love the trees and the light.


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