January 10, 2015

Another Day, Another Squirrel


  1. What a cutie, looks great with the sepia shot.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy Sunday!

  2. Those darn squirrels will become almost like a pet if we let them.

  3. They are fun, but can be a pest. I have them trying to eat the edge of my garbage can lid so they can get to the sunflower seed inside. I feed them corn mostly.

  4. The little guy knows how to pose for you.

  5. You must have as many squirrels as we do. It was nice of this guy to pose so nicely for you.

  6. "Now how many bird feeders should I raid today?"

  7. Great capture! Looks good in sepia.

  8. Adorable. He sure does look pissed off at the cold!

  9. Looks like he posed just for you!


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