December 22, 2014

Mural of Luray Train Station

wide mural

The town of Luray has a great selection of outdoor murals. On the far left of this one you can see a sign that says "Another Project of the Luray Tree and Beautification Committee."

Below we see a scene in downtown Luray. Do you see a train? It's crossing the street a block ahead.

Sharing with: Monday Murals


  1. Imagens que me enkantam, pois sempre tive vontade de conhecer fora do meu país , mas nunca pude Deus quiser estarei indo ano que vem para o Kansas acompanhar marido a trabalho.... estou torcendo!

    obrigada por ser minha amiga no blogue

    abraços com carinho!

    ღღೋ FELIZ NATAL ೋღღ

  2. I'm in love with the Ford Pickup. Merry Christmas Linda. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. The mural is cool! I have been to the Luray Caverns, years ago. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. This is a sweet, nostalgic piece. It looks like the harsh weather has done a job on the paint and the wall's integrity. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural. Merry Christmas.

  5. Definitely a magnificent mural, pretty pictures!

  6. That looks like a lot of work.


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