December 5, 2014

Clay Sculpture from High School

This is a clay bust that I made in high school art class many years ago. My parents kept it on their mantel for a long time, and eventually it ended up here. Not long ago I wanted something orange for the linkup at Writings of Maria so I photographed it on an orange "shammy."

I did not pursue sculpture or painting after that class but I always felt fond of this piece. If photography were not so accessible, I might have studied art, but that takes courage when your skills are awkward.


  1. That's a fine piece of art♪

  2. That's pretty amazing for a high schooler! Hope you're still working with clay?

  3. Wow, you created a beautiful sculpture. Well done! Have a happy weekend!

  4. Now that was an impressive sculpture [early Greco-Roman style?]. How in the world did you decide on such a figure to sculpt? Well, seems like you channeled your creativity into another form of artistry...kudos..

  5. You did a nice job with this. :)

  6. Who knows? You may come back to try sculpture again some day. That was an impressive start at a young age, but yes, it does take courage to pursue any of the arts. I've been thinking about that lately.

  7. Thanks for the comments. I have not sculpted in clay since then. I believe I was thinking of Michelangelo at the time and what he may have looked like.

  8. I think you did a fabulous job with this. I couldn't manage anything near that good. How fun that you still have it.


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