November 19, 2014

Sign on an Old Building

Stephens City, VA
The ink, of course, refers to tattoos. I'm not a big fan of them or anything painful, but then, I don't even have pierced ears.  Both forms of body art have roots that go back into prehistory, so I suppose they have tradition on their side.

Sharing with: Signs, Signs


  1. I couldn't have that done to myself either.

  2. that's a cool building for them...i don't have any tat's either but i'm 2 piercings up on you, my ears! i have doubles in each ear!

  3. What's the fascination with INK, I don't get it. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Not for me but it seems that it's a sign of our times...

  5. neat old building to have something more modern in it. :)

  6. I am not a fan of pain. Maybe that is why I shy away.

  7. I got my ears pierced when I was a teenager many, many moons ago. That's enough for me.


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