November 10, 2014

Rappahannock Rurality

In the Hills of Virginia

white barn

The citizens of Rappahannock County prize their rural heritage. They have managed to avoid much of the urban sprawl and cheap commercial development that spread through most of northern Virginia. But don't be fooled; there's plenty of wealth and culture here.

The western border of the county rests on the Blue Ridge Mountains. Rappahannock is said to be an Algonquian term meaning river of quick, rising water and a river with that same name flows many miles from the mountains to the Chesapeake Bay.

Sharing with: The Barn Collective


  1. very nice! like that 2nd little barn/building.

  2. Beautiful scenery. Love the barn.

  3. Very pretty area. I love all the color in that third photo.

  4. You have some lovely countryside. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Wonderful scenery and such a charming barn!

  6. Lovely landscapes. You've very nicely captured the light that falls here. :)

  7. Picturesque and inviting♪

  8. wow, that looks soo inviting. Could go there any day.

  9. Such gorgeous scenery! thanks for sharing with us. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to respond. I hope to get back in the swing this week.


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