November 11, 2014

Gingko Grove at Blandy

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday


  1. Wow - the colors in the ginko grove are so nice - a pretty yellow blanket!
    Thank you for sharing at

  2. We sometimes see single Gingko trees here. We've got a young one I planted, but i'venever seen a grove of Gingkos in my life!

  3. Pretty yellow leaves. Most are down here, but a few still cling to the trees.

  4. I really like that carpet of leaves in your first photo.

  5. I wonder if those trees are the same ginko that they use as an herb?

  6. Such a beautiful carpet of yellow, Linda!

  7. Love your shot of the forest floor carpeted with yellow leaves!

  8. It's interesting how Gingko trees seem to drop their leaves all in one day. This is a lovely shot!

  9. Such a pretty yellow carpet of leaves.

  10. I love Gingko trees and the leaves make for such a wonderful golden carpet. Never seen that many of them at one time though, super cool.

  11. The fallen leaves make for a carpet of gold.


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