October 12, 2014

Visitors from a Neighboring Farm

herd of sheepAt first I thought they were goats! But after looking more closely, I believe these animals are sheep. After all, they moved together as a unit. And as Sheep101 tells us, sheep horns are often curved and their tails point downward. Perhaps one of our blogging friends can identify their breed.

There's a farm across the fence from our community and once in a while this herd finds a way through the fence. Here they are on a lane that leads to the lake. Once they even showed up in my yard during a snow storm!

Linking to: Camera Critters


  1. They're out for a weekend excursion, hoping you won't tell the farmer that they're having a stroll.

  2. That one looks really thin, could be out to get some food.

  3. Adorable little critters ~ or not so little but cute ~ nice you got the photos!

    Happy Week to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Too funny. I like the way they're looking at you as if you're the one who is out of place.

  5. It's always fun to get visitors, whether they're two or four-legged. :)

  6. Those are very different sheep! They are handsome and also seem to be way more independent and curious than the run-of-the-mill sheep I see everywhere. Pretty neat.

  7. they look to be quite a large breed

  8. They do look like a sheep of some type but I'm no expert. I think they are quite fascinating and am glad you got photos of them to share.

  9. They look friendly and curious! :)


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