October 26, 2014

St. Thomas Chapel, Middletown

This church in Middletown was used as a hospital during the Civil War. Like many buildings, it was needed to shelter the wounded after the Battle of Cedar Creek. 

The man in the photo is a park ranger who gave a couple of talks here as part of the 150th anniversary of the battle. He explained that the pews were destroyed during the war but the chandelier survived, and still looks as it did when it was included in a sketch by artist James E. Taylor in 1864. 


  1. How cool that the beautiful chandelier survived!

  2. I agree with outlawgardener, cool that the chandelier survived but not the pews. Maybe they were used for fire wood. Thanks for sharing.


  3. great that the chandelier survived

  4. Fascinating. I guess the pews had to be cleared to make room and, as doodles suggests, perhaps were used for firewood - or splints. Remonds me of that amazing scene from 'Gone with the Wind'.

  5. Nice to see an original feature survived

  6. I luv the shape & design, very cool!! ( :

  7. Very interesting church. I would have had a hard time dating the architectural style. It doesn't look 150 years old. Nice! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. I love going through the older churches. They have so much History to them.

  9. The chandelier is pretty. It's a shame the pews are gone.


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