October 22, 2014

Guess Who Went to the Groomer Today!

Linking to: Wordless Wednesday


  1. Uh-oh, you must not be a fan of grooming. Do you get your haircut??

  2. Oh my what a cutie! Grooming and baths for some reason were not a happy time.. Enjoy your Thursday!

    I would love if you linked this up to my critter party on Saturday!

  3. Not a happy face but probably got over it quickly.

  4. When my wife runs the bath our dog runs under the bed

  5. Awwww - poor thing!

  6. Poor pup! Hopefully it all went smooth and quickly.

  7. Oh dear - did he survive the trauma?

  8. (First Photo) Now we know what JAY LENO is doing in his retirement! :)

  9. My Daughter says her groomer muzzles almost all the dogs. Probably smart.


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