October 8, 2014

A Sign That Says Nothing

Lately I've seen a number of blank signs in the National Forest. I don't know why this is; perhaps they are replacing them. But the question this brings to my mind is: What would you like this sign to say?

But I didn't stop there to read a blank sign. I stopped to take a picture of early fall foliage.

Linking to: Signs, Signs


  1. "go whichever way you please"

    Lovely fall colours!

  2. pretty substandard material if the lettering wore off! :)

  3. Don't know what to say or where to turn. It's a sign of desperation.

  4. That fall foliage is gorgeous. It seems like the colors are brighter this year.

  5. blank signs are always intriguing

  6. Lovely Autumn colors! I am not so sure about the sign! Have a happy day!

  7. A lot of signs say nothing or nothing of importance. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. ha, i think this is the first time a blank sign has been posted in the signs meme!


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