October 31, 2014

A Landmark in Forestville

This old school sits high on a hill in Forestville, Virginia. It was restored and is used by the Ruritan Club. 

I've posted pictures of this school before.  One of my images was used (with permission) by a television station when they reported on copper gutters being stolen from here. 

I'm sharing this post with Skywatch Friday and the current City Daily Photo Theme: Landmark

Oh, since it's Halloween night, here's an alternate version of the picture "in disguise." 


  1. That's an amazing looking school. Love the red roof and how it pops out of the image! Visiting via City Daily Photo today.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. It is a pretty school. I like the red roof and the blue sky.. Great capture.. Happy weekend!

  3. It's a beautiful building, and stands out so well against that sky.

  4. Hi Linda, There's a school on Route 15 in Lucketts that has the same basic shape. I always enjoy ogling it as I pass! :) m & jb (who does not like to be in the car and therefore does not ogle said building)

  5. I like that pretty red roof. :)

  6. I like the bright red roof and the shape of the building. It's terrible that someone would steal the gutters.

  7. Interesting view of the building. Stealing gutters? Weird.

  8. Such a pretty building.


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