July 26, 2014

Auto Reflections

One thing I like about the challenge of blog hops or theme linkups is the opportunity to shoot a subject that I might otherwise ignore. Here's a vehicle parked next to us at a bank — a really mundane topic in itself. But because I was looking for reflections, I found elements to frame in an interesting way.

Linking to: Weekend Reflections


  1. Creative reflections in this case!

  2. definitely a lot of them all in one image!

  3. And a pretty blue house comes into view! Great shot.
    Wren x

  4. That is a very cool picture Linda. I love they way you got a reflection in the mirror also.

  5. cool! but, you have to se my reflection. giggling :)


  6. Wonderful reflection... excellent shot Linda...I like the small blue hause...

  7. Lots of good reflections in this shot!

  8. You met the challenge well. Very creative!

  9. Awesome shot. All those different reflected surfaces are fantastic here. Great eye Linda!

  10. Clever! You can find some great shots if you just look!


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