June 4, 2014

Mallards on a Rock

I saw these pretty ducks in Stoney Creek in Edinburg, Virginia.

Linking to: Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Mallards are so common that I think people take them for granted, but they are very pretty ducks. Nice photo.

  2. Hi Linda,
    Thank you for your kind words. Yes, the situation in my family is much improved.
    You have a neat blog! Husband and I love driving in the Shenandoah Valley. My brother lives in Leesburg, VA and we live in MD. I have always felt peacefully "at home" in VA.
    PS: How did you happen upon Josephina Ballerina? I always wonder where people come from -even in Blogland. LOL!

  3. Those are really great photos! The birds are so striking, and the poses are perfect.

  4. Yes, wonderful photos, I really like these ducks, well captured, delicious colors!

  5. I love it when they stand on one foot like that!

  6. Nice photos! In the first one, it looks like the top duck is trying to kick the other one.

  7. That is the PERFECT composition! Everything about this photo is wonderful, including the gorgeous ducks!

  8. Stunning Mallard photos a very underrated duck in my opinion

  9. Wonderfull mallards, greeting from Belgium

  10. Beautiful Mallards! Fantastic photography.


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