June 16, 2014

Flash at the Dog Wash

I've posted pictures of the dog wash before but it was when we took Ben, first to the dog wash in Woodstock and later to the one in Front Royal. Ben, after all, has long hair that gets dirtier than Flash's short coat.

But everyone needs a bath sooner or later, so Flash found himself at the place in Woodstock. He did not mind the shampoo and rinse, but when the blowdryer came on, he got very worried. It was a gentle dryer, not loud or even warm, so he survived in good shape.

Can We Go Home Now?


  1. Cute, waiting for his turn.

  2. He looks worried in that second shot!

  3. He is so darn sweet and cute!

  4. Flash is adorable. Sending pets and pats his way.

  5. Awwwwwwww, sweet. And the question caption of the last photo...priceless.

  6. He is so cute! I bet he smells nice.

  7. He looks like a sweet friend. :)

  8. You know, I don't really like dogs. I've certainly never given one a bath. But these dog washes just look like fun!! Think I could take my cat!?! LOL!!


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