June 24, 2014

Coming Ashore

Geese at Shenandoah River Lakes

The goslings and their parents are Canada Geese, descended from wild geese who now live at the lake year-round. They are accompanied by Gray Geese, who are descended from domestic geese but now live away from the farm on the community lake. 

Linking to: Nature Notes


  1. A pleasant lake for them to have at their disposal!

  2. Excellent!!! I really love the one in the middle with all of them in a row, following the leader.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot. Much appreciated.

    Hootin' Anni
    Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

  3. It's always exciting to see little ones growing up and watch how great most of the parents are. Lovely photos.

  4. Those goslings are too cute for words.

  5. Wonderful time of year when there are so many baby animals. Goslings are so cute!

  6. I love pictures of nature. Your photographs are stunning!

  7. Geese are lovely to look at but can be a bit aggressive. They always amaze me during take off. How such a large bird can become airborne is a wonderment.

  8. Ha! Looks like a big goose family reunion! Great pictures! :)

  9. It is hard to tell most of our baby geese from the parents. They sure do grow fast.

  10. Oh...this takes me back to when my neighbor was alive and her gray geese would visit the pond... Made me smile,. Thank you for linking into Nature Notes.. Michelle


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