June 27, 2014

Balloons Over Woodstock

There's a hot air balloon tour company which regularly lands the balloons near Woodstock (Virginia).   I've taken pictures of them before but didn't get around to posting them. 

Linking to: Skywatch Friday


  1. I haven't seen balloons down this way but there should be a bunch at Lexington on the 4th. One year they blew air in one on the ground and let kids play in it with their shoes off of course.

  2. That one is up pretty high in the sky!

  3. It's always neat to see them go floating by. :)

  4. Terrific shots - all of them!!!

  5. They launch them from my campus regularly. I've never been up in one. Good shots!

  6. A cool skywatch, I love the balloons.. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  7. Neat shots of the balloons. A new company just started here where I live giving people rides. I hope to take one someday.


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