May 10, 2014

Swimming Turtle

This image of a turtle was cropped and given a "sepia" tone in Photoshop. Originally the water looked gray-green and murky. I made some adjustments trying to increase the contrast and to my surprise the water suddenly looked bright with Caribbean colors! As you can see below, this was pretty but completely unrealistic, so I ran an action called "Sepia Toning." I also cropped in closely to show off the creature's shell.

Which picture to you prefer, the bright one or the subdued sepia one?

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  1. Amazing shot of the sepia turtles. You are just too artistic! Thanks for sharing as always

  2. I like the second image! The turtles are a great sighting..Thanks for sharing your post with the critter party..Have a happy Sunday and Mother's Day!

  3. looks really neat - like he's swimming in oily water (which i wouldn't wish upon him.) :)

  4. Love how you processed the turtle pic.

  5. Love how you processed the turtle pic.

  6. I like them both, but I think I like the sepia one better. Very cool!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  7. I really like sepia so my choice would be the first one. Great shots.


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