May 16, 2014

Frank's Full Moon

I'm giving my husband credit for this picture. He spotted it two nights ago while walking the dog, came in and got the camera and took a picture.

Linking to: Skywatch Friday


  1. Wow - that is a stunning picture. Well done to your husband.

  2. Wow.. good for him. He captured a beautiful night sky.

  3. Lovely! I also tried to capture it, but arrived at a white-spot-in-black-space photo. good to see you were lucky!

  4. Beautiful! Maybe the same moon we were marveling at days ago. I'm heartbroken because our camera couldn't capture it in all its beauty. Congrats to your hubby for the great shot. :)

  5. How nice your husband saw this and knew you'd want to take photos of it. He sounds like a keeper to me. ;))

  6. It's hard to get good moon shots, unless you're a pro, but this is a good one!

    Looking forward to your visit at: Slice of Sombrero Sky

  7. I love's Frank's moon. Wait. That came out wrong...

  8. Isn't it just perfect for OGIF? Love when people act on the spur of the moment to freeze a beautiful moment in time!


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