May 22, 2014

Beware of Geese!

In Winchester, VA

I saw this hand-made sign at Glen Burnie. Let's focus in so we can read it.

Looks like a goose is sitting on her nest! How sweet! But the sign is serious — geese can be quite aggressive, and daddy goose is no doubt lurking nearby, ready to attack anyone who threatens the nest.

Linking to: Signs, Signs


  1. It's a big bird, and they're quite serious when it comes to protecting the nest. Even little birds can be ferocious about it this time of year- red wing blackbird males will typically dive right at you.

  2. You are right, they are very territorial and very mean. It's nice of the homeowner to warn people.

  3. As scary as these geese can be, at least they make protective parents.

  4. Sweet goose shot. The Romans used to have geese as guards because they were so aggressive!

  5. I usually try to keep my distance from geese!

  6. Good warning! Geese can get down right mean at times.

  7. Oh yes that sign was necessary. I've been chased by a goose before, it is NOT fun.

  8. What thoughtful home owners! Geese can be a bit crazy but it looks pretty happy. :)


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