April 25, 2014

As Long as They Still Serve Cream Pies

Frank loves the cream pies served at the Southern Kitchen in New Market. We read that the restaurant is on the market. We hope that if it's sold, the new owners won't change the menu too much, especially the homemade pies.


  1. Interesting how, when we find a restaurant menu that works for us, we want things to stay the same. I hope that cream pie will still be there for your husband.

  2. I will have to remember that the next time I am around there.

  3. Yum. Cream pie sounds good. :)

  4. i'm guessing i'd like that place a lot! :)

  5. By the recommendation of the pie alone, it sounds worth going into!

  6. I hope so too! Nothing better than home-made pies!

  7. I had to look up what cream pies are - they sound delicious!

  8. Often, when a favorite place changes management there are changes and nit always for the better in terms of menu items. I was wondering if the chicken steaks were good as they are featured.


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