March 25, 2014

Springtime Snowfall

snow sceneIt looks like winter doesn't want to leave us. We got a couple of inches of snow today.  I hope this will be winter's last gasp, but I wouldn't count on it.

It was pretty to look at.

Linking to: Our World Tuesday


  1. It is pretty. That goose seems perplexed.

    We had more snow today as well.

  2. Look at that finch, I want one! However, I don't want any snow, thank you very much.

  3. Oh, such pretty photos!

  4. Pretty to look at is about all I can say, we got about 4 inches but it will soon turn to mud again. The cold is going to push planting back if it keeps up.

  5. makes for pretty shots, though.

  6. As imagens de inverno são lindas , mas eu morreria nesse frio , não gosto nem do friozinho daqui! bjss

  7. Assuming you speak many languages, I will tell you the bird is faka'ofa'ofa...beautiful in Tongan!

  8. So much snow this winter. Just wish it would go away and come again another day.

  9. Lovely snow shots! Wow, the east coast isn't getting any breaks this winter, while those of us in the Pacific Northwest are bemoaning the lack of snow. Crazy!

  10. Nice photos! I especially like the first one.

  11. Beautiful shots. I love the little Goldfinch on the pretty, curvy plant hanger.


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