March 19, 2014

Silvery Lake and Snow

Rural Beauty, Mostly Monochrome

These photographs are from Monday when the snow was fresh. Most of it melted today except for patches in shady spots and a layer covering the ground up on the Massanutten.


  1. Both of those just say cold! I like the B&W and have been taking some myself but will welcome the sun back tomorrow.

  2. wow! gorgeous photos. love the view.

  3. Lovely the water reflection and the creative wintry photos ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  4. Such beautiful pictures! I like how the lake looks all shimmery.

  5. What an amazing first photo, lovely monochrome!

  6. The pristine cover is gorgeous, but I am glad it was momentary♪

  7. Both of these are lovely. Pretty scene!

  8. I love the first photo--a marvelous capture. Mickie


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