March 15, 2014

Ice on the Rocks

frozen waterfalls

There are a number of places along Skyline Drive where you can see water seeping out of the rocks and flowing down into drainage ditches. In the winter some of these springs turn into dramatic frozen waterfalls.

I converted the first photo into a long black and white view. I left the other two as color images because I wanted to show the colors of the clothing worn by the the girls who were inspecting the icicles.

I've photographed formations like this before; see Skyline Drive on a Cold Evening and Lynn and the Giant Icicles.


  1. Such beautiful ice, it looks so cold but no one is bundled up!!

    It would be so "cool" to see this up close (pun intended)!!!

  2. Stunning!

    It reminds me of Canadian Shield rock and how ice does that.

  3. Nature is wonderful! Great photos.

  4. Cool shots of the ice falls.. My hubby has hiked to the waterfalls in Shenandoah to see the ice..The people do not look cold..

  5. It wasn't very cold that afternoon as long as you were out of the wind.

  6. That is neat. Glad you captured it.

  7. Very much like what we see around here.. such rocky territory. The island across the bay from my place had similar icicles when my son and I took a walk out to it in my current post. Nature never stops amazing us, eh?

  8. A great contribution to the B&W theme!

  9. The ice formation creates some rather dramatic art. Stunning.


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