February 22, 2014

Squirrel in the Snow

Our snow pretty much melted over the past two days but I took these photos before that.

Linking to: Saturday's Critters


  1. great minds think alike!! lot's of squirrels today!!

    i love him with the snow!!

  2. Awww, what a cute but devious little rascal!

  3. Good pictures! They are cute, though they can be a bit of a pestilence.

  4. One at a time fine. Sixteen stealing all the bird seed. Too many...:)

  5. What an adorable little squirrel. Great shots!

  6. Cute shots, the squirrels seem to be popular today! Thank you for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  7. It must be squirrel day! TexWisGirl posted pictures of Bubba. Your squirrel is so petite compared to him! lol

  8. I haven't seen any squirrels this winter. It has been so cold and so much snow that they aren't venturing out. The past few days have been fairly warm, but I still have seen any sqirrels.


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