January 14, 2014

The Birds

I wonder if starlings were the inspiration for the story The Birds which Hitchock made into a famous movie? They travel in flocks so large that they are both wondrous and intimidating.

A crowd of them visited our yard the other day. They stick together to avoid predators and they don't stay very long.

The geese stayed out on the icy lake and ignored them.

Linking to: the BIRD D'pot


  1. we see starlings rarely out here. get them more in town. we do see red-winged blackbirds, cowbirds and grackles - sometimes in great numbers. :)

  2. Lovely shots, Linda!

    We see them around here. We also see a lot of crows and ravens this time of year that tend to congregate in places late in the day to spend the night.

  3. Grackles and doves dominate my yard. We have huge quantities of grackles.

  4. Yes, precious pictures, I especially love the two photos of the bank!

  5. You need to see the crows round where I work, scary at times

  6. I don't think I've ever seen such a large number. We have a small family that visits our yard once or twice a day, but that's it.

  7. They could well be the inspiration. That was such a scary movie when I first saw it. Right now, we have blue jays dominating the yard.. not in those numbers but probably a couple of dozen.

  8. Wow...I've not see that many in one sitting....ever!!! Now grackles on the other hand, I've seen 100s at one time. What an amazing group of photos shared.

    Birds...the movie, I haven't seen in years!!!

  9. Great pictures! That is a lot of birds. That movie was so scary.

  10. Love your squirrels and birds. We often see large groups of birds and think of the movie!


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