January 21, 2014

Snowy Day, Backyard Birds

Snow started early this morning. We got about 8 inches of it. For most of the day I could barely see the lake from our windows.

The birds don't seem to mind the snow, although the squirrels stayed away. I put out some extra suet and seed for our feathered friends

Linking to: the BIRD D'pot


  1. Gorgeous images! Surely you were taking those from inside. Brrrrrrr!

  2. Yes, I shot them through the window. I only went outdoors today to walk the dog and get the mail. Well, I did snap a few pics when I went out to the mailbox. I must be addicted to photography.

  3. All of these photos are so pretty!

  4. Stunning I'd love to live there and have a backyard like that full of beautiful birds

  5. Nice variety of pretty yardbirds. I am sure your birds appreciated the extra food yesterday. The snow and cold is awful..Stay warm and have a happy day!

  6. they are beauties in the flakes. :)

  7. O I do love the little bird at the top - somewhat like the coaltits that frequented the feeder in the rosebush I used to have outside my window at our last house - one of the few things I miss about that.

  8. Oh my. 8 inches of snow is a lot all at once. Beautiful photos! I hope you stay safe and warm.

  9. I feel so sorry for the birds in such harsh conditions, but they do make for beautiful photos. So sweet and thoughtful of you to put out extra suet. :)

  10. Fabulous collection of birds. You got wonderful shots!

  11. The birds look quite at home in the snow. Lovely shots, Linda!

  12. Awesome!!! I especially enjoyed the two cardinals [male and female] in the tree...but ALL are fabulous images Linda.


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