December 18, 2013

Flash Portraits

Here's Flash posing for some holiday portraits. I took him to the vet's office today to get his nails trimmed and had him pose in front of their faux-fireplace. They've been taking pictures of the pets who come in and putting them on the bulletin board and their Facebook page.


  1. Oh no! Not the reindeer antlers! Poor guy!

  2. Soooo adorable, even with the antlers!;)

  3. If you could give the animals a chance to say, "No," I wonder how many would decline wearing antlers or neck scarves? The photography is really nice. The details are incredible in the portraits of the dog.

  4. Don't worry, he only wore antlers for a couple of minutes. They were available as props, along with scarves and Santa hats.

  5. Flash looks a little skeptical about the reindeer antlers in that second photo. The first picture is a very handsome portrait of Flash.

  6. What a sweet doggie. Merry Christmas to him and to you.


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