September 1, 2013

Caboose in Elkhorn City

The closest town near Breaks Interstate Park that offers shopping is Elkhorn City, Kentucky. With a population of a little over one thousand people, it's a small town known best for the recreational opportunities nearby, including whitewater rafting.

This caboose beside the river bore a "tourist information" sign, but it was not open when we were there late in the afternoon.

Since the paint has faded to a pink color, I'm using this as a gallery entry for City Daily Photo's September theme: "Pink."


  1. since I prefer things to be less pristine, this faded shade is prettier to me :)

  2. Excellent choice for this theme day. Have a good week!

  3. Normally I think of a caboose as red, but this is far more attractive!

  4. Very catching and difficult to miss...lovely pink.

  5. That is a great entry for Pink. If I was voting I would like something like that being more original

  6. There is a pink one in Rocky Mount, didn't take but several years to turn from bright red to pink. I used a photo of some poke weed that had turned pinkish in my blog. Hard to find pink out in the green we have this time of year unless you go to someones flowerbed.

  7. What a nice choice for the pink theme. I think I like it better faded than if it were pristine.

  8. Thanks for all the comments! I believe red is the color that fades that fastest. When I took the picture I did not even think of the caboose being pink, but when I loaded it on the computer, there it was!

  9. reminds me of our local park, we have a little caboose there!

  10. You’ve made a great Theme Day post. I'm glad you picked these for today. Thanks for the informative text.


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