September 26, 2013

Bright Sky Near Berryville

I snapped these shots from the car late one afternoon. Frank had stopped for traffic so I didn't have time for multiple shots.

You may notice that the foreground is a bit lighter and brighter than it usually appears in photos I've taken so late in the day. That's because I've been taking more images in "Raw" format because I'm taking a Photoshop course from LFCC and we've been learning the features of "Camera Raw" in Photoshop. I used that plug-in to process these images and it made it easy to lighten the shadows without lightening the sky. There's a danger of overdoing it so I tried not to over-lighten. I've seen all too many images lately which showed more color in the shadows than humans can see with the naked eye.

This is my Skywatch post for this week.


  1. Great shots and I love that you are learning how to use your camera.

  2. Beautiful photos, and cool you are learning PS and camera raw. Makes a big difference!

  3. Very beautiful photos for SWF,Linda!Have a nice weekend.

  4. Beautiful shots! I wish I was brave enough to take a camera course. I wish I had the brain power, too.

  5. Beautiful skies, Linda! I have been by there many times. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Oh, lovely! The rays in the first shot are awesome!

  7. gorgeous light in the first image. :)

  8. Beautiful photos! I especially like the first one.


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