August 1, 2013

Monument to the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry

In Loudoun County, VA

Along the Snickersville Turnpike near the town of Aldie stands a handsome granite memorial to the men of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, 3rd Brigade. The battle that took place here was part of the 1863 Battle of Aldie, when Lee's Army was heading to Pennsylvania. Furious fighting resulted in two thirds of the 1st Massachusetts regiment getting killed, wounded or captured. Their names are inscribed on the sides of the marker. This monument was erected in 1888, the first monument to Union forces erected south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Nearby is a newer sign telling the story of the Battle of Aldie.


  1. I love old monuments like yours.

  2. the horsehead and sabres make it really attractive.

  3. I didn't realize that this was the first Union monument south of the Mason-Dixon. Thanks for the education.

  4. Very peaceful spot. Sad that so many lives were lost.


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