August 26, 2013

At Redbud Lodge

We spent two nights in one of the lodges at Breaks Interstate Park. It was nice and quiet. They have cabins too, and if I'd seen the cabin discount on Facebook before I reserved a room, I probably would have gone for that offer.

The park is on the Virginia-Kentucky border in a gap in the Appalachians once explored by Daniel Boone.


  1. This looks like a nice lodge. We've enjoyed most of the lodges in parks when we've stayed in them.

  2. Beautiful pictures, nice hotel!

  3. Looks like you had a super trip Linda, how great to be able to cross this destination off your bucket many left to go ?

  4. Belos registos...Espectacular....

  5. Oh.... a cabin would have been so nice. What a great trip you had though. You need to become a tour guide.

  6. Sounds like you are having a good time. Thank you for sharing the posts.

  7. The park is on the Virginia-Kentucky border in a gap in the Appalachians once explored by Daniel Boone.trees for sale


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