July 10, 2013

Waterfront Home in Glebe Harbor

 We own a house overlooking an inlet near Montross, Virginia. At one time we planned to live there but I found it was a bit too far from a city, so we rented it out. Our current tenants have been there two years but will be leaving after next month. So the house will be available to lease or purchase. It has three bedrooms, two baths, and a spacious kitchen.


  1. Hope your renters are kinder and more honorable than mine. We are going to have to file charges for the damage they did and then figure out how to have the place torn down.

  2. Oh no! Sorry to hear that, Ms. A. Our renters are wonderful! We inspected the house and it is in good shape, although the yard needs trimming and such.

    My husband was a realtor for over 30 years so he is very careful to check credit and references. Over all that time he only had a handful of renters who turned out to be bad, and he managed a lot of properties for numerous owners. But still, there are always a few people who get others to lie for them and it's hard to tell when that happens.

  3. Hi Linda! Hope you get tenants soon.It's in a lovely location.

    We also rent property, but times are difficult here in Portugal due to the economic crisis. Some people are behind in payments, some can't pay at all, and our properties lie empty.

  4. Lovely view! The house looks charming too. Good luck with finding new renters.

  5. oh, ms. a's story sounds dreadful!

  6. It looks like such a cute place. You should have no problems. I will tweet this

  7. Very, very nice! The view is wonderful and the house looks perfect.

  8. It may take a while to rent because it is in a vacation area with few job opportunities. We are asking $950 a month with a year's lease. Would consider a 9-month lease or two years. Would consider selling too but have not decided on exact price yet.


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