June 22, 2013

Roadside Deer

Deer like to browse along the side of the road because grass usually grows there.  We slow down when driving in late afternoon, at night, or early in the morning because that's when they are out in force.


  1. Great picture! We see them here a lot too and have to watch out for them on the roads.

  2. Oh, what a sweet picture.

    So sorry that my page takes too long to load - frustrating when you don't have good Internet connections.

  3. What a nice find - driving in some places in Australia is a lottery at night - too many 'roos, wombats and even deer!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Poor thing... looks like it doesn't know where to run.

  5. Que lindo! vale a pena desacelerar para ver essa maravilha! bjss

  6. Que lindo! vale a pena desacelerar para ver essa maravilha! bjss

  7. I don't think I've ever seen so many deer as we did while driving the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia one evening.


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