May 8, 2013

Goslings by the Lake

The Canada Geese parents keep their babies close and show them how to spend the day. A couple of gray geese are often nearby and seem to be looking out for the new family. The parents are extremely protective and so far all the babies are thriving.

I posted earlier pictures of this goose family on April 24. It's fun watching the fluffy little geese but you can't get very close because the entire family will promptly swim away.


  1. Oh gosh, what delightful photos!

  2. Love seeing pics of goslings. So cute.

  3. They are so sweet. Delightful shots.

  4. Great photos, looks like a wonderful place with all those ducks! A greeting.

  5. Cute. Someone su re looks protwctive in that second picture.

  6. Ours aren't quite that big yet. They are so cute when they are little.

  7. Oh what great photos! I would love to just sit and watch them.

  8. Awww, Spring has truly truly sprung! They are so sweet - this just brightened up my midday break!:)


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