February 7, 2013

Money Plant at Dusk

Pods of the lunaria plant look a bit like coins so we call it the money plant. Other names for it include moon plant.


  1. I've seen these before. My grandmother used to have some when I was a little girl. Great photo!

  2. I have never seen one of those growing before. Really neat to see!

  3. I had two branches of these as decoration long ago. Have not seen them since. Too bad, they are a great decoration.

  4. I used to have them in vases, they are easy to plant and make beautiful little flowers, and after dried up, they are good for decorating the house. This is a beautiful photo of these plant!

  5. I grow this plant and now it comes up each summer on its own.

  6. Great photo, they have a magical translucent quality to them, which your picture has captured perfectly.


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