February 1, 2013

Flooding on the Shenandoah

Near Fishers Hill, VA

Like so many places, we had odd weather in January. Last weekend blessed us with warm temperatures (over 70 degrees F.), but the days following brought a return of winter complete with snow. Then Wednesday we had high winds and heavy rain! Many roads were flooded.

This one is just a side road that runs a short distance along the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Normally the North Fork is peaceful but yesterday it ran fast and overflowing.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of water! We've had crazy weather the last few weeks too. We've had cold and lots of snow today.

  2. poignant photos - we've lost our snow but gained rain and bitter winds.

  3. I'm glad we didn't have quite that much rain around here.


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