February 13, 2013

Another Old Photo of My Girls

Marie and Lynn at Burke Lake in Northern Virginia


  1. sweet...looks like the 70's? and congrats on your daughter's success!

  2. Great shot. I love running that 4.5 mile loop around Burke Lake :-)

  3. Cute photos of your girls in this post and your previous one. I love old pictures. They hold such dear memories.

  4. Wow, just read a few posts back about your daughter's adventures and accomplishments. You must be so proud!

  5. I bet your girls and my Daughter are close to the same age..... We are gettting old!!!

  6. Bela fotografia...Espectacular....

  7. Tanya, yes it was the 70's! (Good deduction.)
    Lisa, I never ran around the lake but we did walk it a few times. Very pleasant!

  8. Rosemary, Yes, I am proud. She is a fine person.


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