February 20, 2013

A Black Vulture

I saw this guy sitting by the lake and thought he was a turkey vulture until later when I zoomed in on the picture. If he was a turkey vulture, his face would be red.

Instead of flying away, he actually hopped off into the woods. I hope he was just tired and not injured.

The black vulture's Latin name is Coragyps atratus.


  1. This is the first Black vulture I have seen. Not a pretty thing are they.

  2. oh great shot! i hope too that he was just being lazy!

  3. Both of these are wonderful portraits of the black vulture.

  4. I've only seen the ones with red faces. I've never seen the black ones before. Great shot!

  5. nice job capturing this 'handsome' one. :) i do think they're lovely, actually.

  6. We were in South Carolina over Christmas and saw quite a few vultures. Interesting, but not exactly endearing.

  7. ALmost was thinking cormorant, until I saw the face, which is as unattractive, but well presented in your shots.

  8. You got a couple of very nice shots of him!


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