January 27, 2013

The Pied Painter

One of our neighbors, a house painter by trade, feeds the community geese and feral cats every day. The cats are not really homeless because he built them a shelter and saw to it that they got neutered. When he parks his car at the lake, the geese and cats come running to be fed!

I've seen them watching for him as the usual feeding time approaches. The geese watch from the shore or nearby in the lake and the cats sit on the railroad embankment with their ears perked up, quite alert. All of them appear to be well-fed.


  1. That is so great! (Love your title, too!)

  2. Romantic image. With best wishes for

  3. What a very kind man!! Thie Pied Painter fits him perfectly.

  4. Thank goodness for people like this. I'm sure he's a very happy man :) Your picture is so sweet, goes perfectly with your title.

  5. It's wonderful that the geese and cats have such a good friend.

  6. Sounds like he is a true animal lover! Nice picture.

  7. I bet he spends a lot of money on food for those geese. They can sure eat a lot.

  8. That is so good that he got them neutered. What a great gift. They are lucky he is dedicated to keeping them fed and sheltered.


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