January 24, 2013

Civil War Markers at Falling Waters

Falling Waters Battlefield is not the easiest historic site to tour but at least there are some markers to help you interpret it. The first one we stopped at was Stumpy's Hollow on Hammonds Mill Road, where "J.E.B. Stuart captured a Union infantry company almost single-handedly." The zig-zag rail fence was erected by the local battlefield foundation, adding an attractive element that actually relates to the story told on the sign.

The old-style marker in the second photo is along U.S. 11 in a commercial area. There's a new Civil War Trails marker nearby but I liked the old look of this monument which was erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. It tells us that "On this site July 2, 1861, General Jackson was seated under an oak tree giving orders when fired upon by Federal troops. A cannon ball cut off a limb of the tree, but Jackson, unhurt, rode calmly away."

The third photo shows Frank looking at the marker next to the waterfall that gave the town the name "Falling Waters." It's on Embankment Road between U.S. 11 and the Potomac River. It tells about both battles that took place near here, one in 1861 (which was the first battle to take place in the Shenandoah Valley and is sometimes calling Hoke's Run) and another in 1863 during the Confederate Army's retreat from Gettysburg.
Falling Waters Battlefield has had little permanent protection. I hope that the efforts of local groups to preserve it will be successful.

Links: Clickable Map on HMDB
Falling Waters Battlefield Assn. in Print 
Prelude to Manassas at Falling Waters
Recognizing the Daughters of the Confederacy


  1. Thank you for telling us about the battlefield and waterfall. As you know, Betsy and I 'collect' waterfalls, and I've been a civil war buff for as long as I can remember. Now we've got a place to add to our 'to do' list.

  2. wow, he literally dodged bullet on that day.
    have you visited his grave and home here in lexington? it's pretty neat :)


  3. I love the split rail fences and it makes for such a beautiful picture.

  4. I love historical landmarks like this. I would love to visit this place someday.

  5. It's a cool place to visit because the waterfall is so close to the road.

    Tanya, I have indeed visited Jackson's grave and here's my link: http://webcroft.blogspot.com/2006/07/stonewall-jackson-monument-lexington.html
    I have not toured his house in Lexington yet.


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