August 14, 2011

Buck at Pinnacles Picnic Area

It's nice to live within a one-hour drive of Shenandoah National Park because it's a great place to visit! Recently we went there on the spur of the moment but soon discovered that Skyline Drive was mostly shrouded in thick clouds. We had to drive slowly and could not see the views.

I've found that picnic areas are good places to view wildlife because critters like to eat food scraps left by picnickers. I drove slowly through the picnic grounds at Pinnacles and there in the mist was this magnificent deer. Frank took some pictures from the car and then I got out and took a few more before the deer trotted away.

We left Pinnacles and continued north towards our exit at Panorama. In just a few minutes we left the clouds and saw some pretty views. Frank said this section has the best views on the Drive.
View from Buck Hollow Overlook
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  1. Beautiful view. WOW!
    You are lucky to be able to go there. Congrats!

  2. Yes, Skyline Drive is a scenic road that runs along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains. No hunting is allowed up there so the deer are plentiful.


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