August 19, 2010

A Haircut for Ben

Before we went on vacation I made reservations for Benny with the groomer who shares a building with the kennel. When we picked him up he looked like a new dog. Doesn't he look neat and slim?

The right-hand photo shows how shaggy he looked before his haircut. We don't have him groomed very often because it upsets him. The woman who groomed him this time said she had to baby him a lot and it took a long time.


  1. A friend says she just wraps the dogs in heated towels, and they don't even fuss about getting their nails clipped. It makes me think about swaddling a baby to calm them. (She heats the towels in the dryer.)

  2. What a great idea! I wouldn't mind getting wrapped in warm towels. Now how do I convince Benny not to eat the towel...


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