Google books will show you snippets from the books that answer your search query. Sometimes Google will show you several pages (when not restricted by copyright) so you can read text online, which is extremely helpful when the book is no longer available. Also, the excerpts will help you judge whether the book offers information that is unique and not just a duplicate of something you've already read.
Amazon books will list items that match your search, although some unrelated items will probably show up too unless you restrict your search very carefully. You can click on the titles and find additional details, including reviews of a book if it is recent.
Since I could easily buy more books than I can afford, I keep my local library's website bookmarked and go there (in a new browser window) to check for titles that I've identified as useful. Most libraries now have an online catalog, and from our county library system's site, I can reserve books and have them delivered to my local branch.
If I don't find the title I want in the library, I go back to Amazon and check the price there. I like seeing if someone is selling a used copy there (shown in a box on the right side). If both the new and used copies are expensive and I don't need the book right away, I put it on my Wish List. Not only does that mean someone might buy it for me as a gift, but it also gives me a list to check later and see if the price has changed.
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