The process of combining it in Photoshop was pretty simple. First I resized the photo so that it matched my Wordle graphic. That graphic had the words on a black background. I selected the black background in one click, went to Select/Inverse, hit Copy and pasted it over the scenic photo. That made a new layer of just the words. I experimented with different types of layer merges and even erased a word or two that didn't look right. I added the text "Beautiful Area" to sum up what I think of this region.
December 8, 2009
Wordle Art for Western Shenandoah County
Most people browsing real estate on Craigslist have never seen Bryce Resort or western Shenandoah County. I decided to create a Wordle for the attractions in our area and combine it with a photo I took last November showing Lake Laura and parts of Bryce Resort. My idea is to include it in some of our ads so that readers can get an quick idea of what the area offers.
The process of combining it in Photoshop was pretty simple. First I resized the photo so that it matched my Wordle graphic. That graphic had the words on a black background. I selected the black background in one click, went to Select/Inverse, hit Copy and pasted it over the scenic photo. That made a new layer of just the words. I experimented with different types of layer merges and even erased a word or two that didn't look right. I added the text "Beautiful Area" to sum up what I think of this region.
The process of combining it in Photoshop was pretty simple. First I resized the photo so that it matched my Wordle graphic. That graphic had the words on a black background. I selected the black background in one click, went to Select/Inverse, hit Copy and pasted it over the scenic photo. That made a new layer of just the words. I experimented with different types of layer merges and even erased a word or two that didn't look right. I added the text "Beautiful Area" to sum up what I think of this region.
1 comment:
The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.
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I can't wait to go to the Cows Festival.